To participate in our club, individuals who are new to the sport must complete a minimum Level One Canoeing Ireland skills course. At present, Kilcullen Canoe Club does not have certified instructor volunteers to run these courses. Please see the link below for certified providers in the locality.
To join Kilcullen Canoe Club without completing our beginners' course, you must hold a Level One Canoeing Ireland Award. At present, Kilcullen Canoe Club does not have certified instructor volunteers to run these courses. Please see the link above for certified providers in the locality. Experienced paddlers joining the club, or former members rejoining without Canoeing Ireland certification, must have their competency assessed at the discretion of the committee. Alternatively, they may provide sufficient evidence of their canoeing experience along with their membership application form. Prospective members requiring a competency assessment should contact the committee for further details.